
Dirty gold mine is leaving Peruvians high and dry


Police force against peaceful protesters in Cajamarca. The people’s water is being swallowed up by the gold mine, leaving behind massive toxic waste.

Dear friends of the rainforests,

“We only have water for two hours each day!” A few days ago, this desperate outcry reached us from the Peruvian city of Cajamarca. The people here are demonstrating against the extension of Latin America’s largest gold mine which is destroying their natural water sources. An important headwater stream of the Amazon is also at risk. However, the mining company Yanacocha and even the Peruvian government is using brute force to suppress the peaceful protests.  

I myself spent a year working for an environmental organization in Cajamarca and saw the problems with my own eyes. Taking water samples, we discovered huge amounts of highly toxic substances such as arsenic, cadmium and lead. This is why the people in northern Peru are protesting for their right to sufficient clean water – they need it to survive. 

In the late fall of last year international protests were able to stop the Conga project for the time being. Now once again we need to show a flag against violence and in support of those struggling for water.  

Please support the people of Cajamarca and their right to water. Sign the petition directed towards the Peruvian government and the World Bank as one of the shareholders of the mining company Yanacocha.


Thanks for making a difference,

David Vollrath
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

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