Stop Enabling Shell’s Human Rights Violations


Shell has a murky history in Nigeria, where it has a practical monopoly on the country’s oil. The multinational’s environmental infractions in Nigeria are well documented, with spill after spill ruining ecosystems and people’s lives. So why is the UK government defending them in court?

Click to automatically tell the UK government to stop enabling Shell’s rights violations. »

There have been over 2,000 oil spills in the Niger delta, many extremely serious. Cleanup of and compensation for the spills has been scanty.

In the current US court case, the corporation is also accused of “aiding and abetting” gross human rights violations. The UK government has decided to intervene in the case on Shell’s behalf, based on a very narrow interpretation of international law.

This interpretation of international law is a deeply suspect act on the part of the UK government. Tell the UK government that it should not be trying to help multinationals get away with human rights violations and to withdraw its support immediately. »


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