To the EU energy ministers: Stop “biofuels” now!












The European Union wants to save the climate by reducing carbon emissions from motor vehicles – and is counting on “biofuels” to achieve that goal. However, scientists now confirm what environmentalists and development experts have long asserted: Growing agrofuels destroys rainforests, threatens biodiversity, robs people of their homes and increases hunger in the world. It helps neither people nor the environment – and most certainly does not save the climate.

Faced with massive pressure, the European Commission will meet on February 22 to discuss the future policy regarding agrofuels. However, the only proposals on the table are bad compromises – at the continued expense of the environment. Join us in demanding that the European Commission abolish agrofuels.


Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

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