“Biofuel”: EU destroys 700,000 hectares of rainforest








A record 5.6 million tons of palm oil was used for fuel in 2012 – about 10% of the worldwide palm oil production. According to a report published in 2007 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), palm oil plantations are currently the leading cause of rainforest destruction in Malaysia and Indonesia.Over 100,000 people have already signed our petition calling on the European Union to abandon its stance on biofuels – a policy which has a devastating effects on tropical forests in Indonesia, Malaysia and South America.

Our next opportunity to make our voices heard will be on July 11, 2013, when the EU Committee on the Environment votes about the biofuels policy.

Please help increase the impact of our petition by signing it and spreading the word among your friends:



 Thanks for being involved,

 Reinhard Behrend

 Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

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